Toronto Music Strategy Adopted by Economic Development Committee
March 2nd, 2016
Last week, the City of Toronto’s Economic Development Committee adopted the Toronto Music Advisory Council’s Toronto Music Strategy. While the Strategy still has to be approved by Council, this is an important step along the way.
This is good news for the city’s music community. The Toronto Music Strategy describes the benefits of being a Music City and outlines the roles that the City of Toronto can play in promoting and growing the sector. The Strategy identifies six major strategic areas:
- Support an environment friendly to music creators;
- Encourage the business of music in Toronto;
- Support music education;
- Promote Toronto’s music sector locally and internationally;
- Foster alliances with other music cities around the world; and,
- Implement a process for monitoring progress and measuring success.
These focuses were developed by TMAC in collaboration with City staff and in consultation with the music community and the Toronto public. The goal of the Music Strategy is to promote growth in the music sector, foster a climate of engagement and inclusivity, and lay the ground-work for the Toronto to become a leading Music City.
Toronto City Council will consider the Music Strategy item on March 30, 2016.