
Jason and Bobby Sniderman on the Sam The Record Man sign:

October 3rd, 2013

“My father died on this day one year ago…………… and to that very last day he was unequivocal in his last wishes to have the “Sam the Record Man” signs reinstalled on what would become Ryerson’s new building on Yonge Street. But were he still alive, lason and I would not be in the position of needing to write this letter for him…as Bachman-Turner Overdrive sang he’d be “Taking Care of Business” himself.

Now, some people – who did not know my father – have been making vacuous comments about what he would have wanted……but no one knew Sam better than his two sons. So to extract a word from the metaphor “lt’s not personal,lt’s business” we can tell you part of the “personal” side of this story.

Sam loved making deals. He didn’t mince words and if his input was needed to “correct” this one he’d pick up the phone and call Sheldon Levy:

“Sheldon…it’s SAM. Sheldon stick to the deal that we made to reinstall the signs on your building. I kept my side of the deal…..,……nowyou keep yours”

Learning from the “school of hard knocks” – that deals were made with a handshake and a verbal oath – Sam believed that was how honourable persons conducted business at the time when the signs were installed,…..and should today. And still a promise is only as good as the paper on which it is written…..but this was a promise that was also vwitten and it was duly executed and signed in good faith by the very same persons in power today who have asked City Council to excuse them from their obligations. And to be certain; when this business contract was signed it was not about design or the environmental effects of neon…………………….or the costs.

So, now that you are faced with the dilemma of voting on the fate of the signs, that decision can be based on many things. Did you like the store or signs or care about nostalgia or public opinion? Are the iconic signs symbols of our heritage…….or not? Regardless, what is paramount to your decision is whether the terms of the agreement between Ryerson University and the City of Toronto – which facilitated the demolition of our beloved store – have been fulfilled?

Mr. Levy has made it well-known in his quoted statements that holding Ryerson University to their agreement poses no negative consequences for them;

“We will put it up if that’s what the people of Toronto want”

Well Mr. Levy; the People have spoken. They spoke up six years ago – when we voluntarily closed our store – and still today that IS what they want.;;;;…it IS what we want……and it IS what our father, Sam Sniderman, would have definitely wanted.

The City of Toronto has set a very high standard for fairness and proper conduct that is respected throughout the world, The members of City Council have been entrusted by their electorate to make trustworthy decisions on their behalf but the preliminary vote that was taken at TEYC Council on September 10, appears to have placed style over substance. fason and I supported the construction ofthe Ryerson Student Learning Centre on the former site of our store but that was to have been accomplished with the full understanding – of Ryerson, the City, our family and the People of Toronto – that the iconic signs would forever be an integral part of the Yonge Streetscape. So, for Ryerson University to accept and fulfill their commitment to do that will bring enormous pride and pleasure to all Torontonians as well as Canadians across the country and visitors to Toronto for many generations to come.

My family, my brother and I and our late father have been staunch supporters of Ryerson University for our entire lives dating back as far as when the store first opened on Yonge Street and the Ryerson Institute ofTechnology had yet to achieve a University designation. Our personal efforts in the community, which have greatly benefitted Ryerson in becoming a world respected institution of higher learning are unrivalled and along with his Order of Canada, Sam Sniderman was most proud of the Honourary Doctorate of Commerce that he received from Ryerson University.

So, along with the People of Toronto, we look for courage – from both the City of Toronto and Ryerson University – to do the right thing and reinstall the “Sam the Record Man” signs on the Ryerson Student Learning Centre on Yonge Street…….

where they belong”

– Bobby and Jason Snidermansnidermans1

Use our campaign tool to stand up for Toronto’s cultural heritage by emailing your city councillor and urging a solution that will ensure the sign is properly restored, maintained and mounted so that it can be enjoyed by the public.
