
Danny Marks on the Sam The Record Man Sign:

October 1st, 2013

“Toronto is a growing city in danger of losing her heritage. Yonge Street is Main Street, Toronto – it’s in our care. At the root of this great road is our downtown.

For many years, Sam the Record Man and his iconic sign shone a welcome to Toronto City, a beacon to music lovers and emblematic of Toronto’s entrepreneurial spirit.

A bond was made to save this sign and all it represents, which is especially inspiration to students of business and arts in our city.

For all of us and all who come to visit Toronto, this sign makes us unique and belongs to all of us.

It’s in your hands. Please let that sign shine.”
– Danny Marks
Producer/Host Jazz.FM91


Use our campaign tool to stand up for Toronto’s cultural heritage by emailing your city councillor and urging a solution that will ensure the sign is properly restored, maintained and mounted so that it can be enjoyed by the public.
