
Global Toronto: Toronto wants to be a music city

November 10th, 2014

Global Toronto’s Dave Trafford reports on efforts underway to grow Toronto’s music sector, speaking with Mike Tanner, Toronto’s Music Sector Development Officer, about the opportunities for live music in Toronto.

In the segment, Josh Grossman, Artistic Director of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival, spoke about what he hopes the upcoming Music Office at City Hall will achieve. “Make it easier to shut down streets when necessary, make it easier to load gear in and out of venues when necessary. I think that’s what I’m most excited about with this new position at city hall, the anticipation that some of this stuff will be getting easier.”

Speaking of Toronto’s brand of live music, Cameron House’s Cosmo Ferraro said our diversity is our strength. “It’s nice to go to one bar, hear rock ‘n’ roll, you go to the next bar: folk, the next, hip-hop,” said Ferrero. “It’s nice to have that diversity, it speaks to the diversity of Toronto.”

The full segment is available on Global’s website, and is embedded below.
