
Downtown Yonge’s Play The Parks attracts record attendance in 2015

November 27th, 2015

On Thursday morning, Downtown Yonge BIA hosted their 2015 Annual General Meeting which featured introductions from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a keynote speech from Gregg Lintern (Director, Community Planning, Toronto East York) and an update on DYBIA’s Music Strategy, launched in June 2015.

This summer, 4479 helped curate Downtown Yonge’s Play The Parks free summer concert series which attracted approximately 35,000 people in June through September 2015, doubling the series’ 2014 attendance. Play The Parks is just one piece in DYBIA’s goal of helping Toronto grow as a Music City, as Executive Director Mark Garner discussed in his address.

4479 is proud to continue helping DYBIA achieve their Music Strategy goals, which aim to honour Toronto’s musical legacy, activate live music on the strip and pave the way for Toronto’s music future.

The following infographic was distributed at the event and highlights some important Play The Parks figures generated from a DYBIA survey.

Play the Parks Summary

Play The Parks took place at at a number of parks surrounding the Yonge Street strip including Trinity Square Park, College Park, McGill Granby Parkette, Mackenzie House and 1 Queen East Patio. Some highlights from Play The Parks 2015 can be seen in the tweets below which used the #PlayTheParks hashtag.
